Embracing Chaos: Simulating a Double Pendulum with Flutter

Tomic Riedel
15 min readJan 26, 2024
Photo by Timur Kozmenko on Unsplash

Chaos is beautiful.

It’s everywhere around us, creating the most beautiful scenes' humankind has ever seen. Take the unpredictable cascade of a waterfall, or the random, vibrant dance of autumn leaves. Mesmerizing. But today, we’re shifting our focus from nature’s chaos to a man-made fascination — the Double Pendulum, also known as the Chaos Pendulum.

We’ll dive into why it is such an interesting construction, what the math behind all of this looks like, and most importantly, how we can simulate its fascinating movement using Flutter and Dart. So, prepare for an exciting journey into the captivating world of chaos.

The Math Behind a Chaos Pendulum — In Simple Language

Alright, let’s talk about the math behind a chaos pendulum. Imagine a regular playground swing — when you push it, it goes back and forth predictably, right? Now, a chaos pendulum is like a swing with a twist — it has more than one point where it can pivot, so it doesn’t just move back and forth in a simple line. It can swing in all sorts of directions, and that’s where the chaos comes in.



Tomic Riedel

Sharing the process of building a portfolio of apps to make people more productive.