The Best Flutter Performance Tips you can Find!

Tomic Riedel
3 min readSep 19, 2022

Performance optimization is a very important topic in programming and in Flutter. But it’s often hard to optimize your app. That’s why I show you how to improve your performance drastically and how to measure your performance. Let’s get started!

Note: There are so many performance tips, that I wasn’t able to fit all of them inside this article. But, if you like this article and we reach 100 Claps, there will be a second part for sure!

How to measure your performance

As you may know, Flutter & Dart offer great tools, including the DevTools. They have developed an entire view just for performance. It’s simply called “Performance View” and consists of the parts:

  • Flutter frames chart (Flutter apps only)
  • Timeline events chart
  • CPU Profiler

I won’t give you a detailed introduction to the Performance View, simply because it’s not the main topic of this article.

In Flutter frames chart, you can track the following things:

  • UI
  • Raster
  • Jank (slow frame)
  • Shader compilation

The timeline events chart shows all event tracing from your application. They show…



Tomic Riedel

Sharing the process of building a portfolio of apps to make people more productive.