10 Flutter tips — season 2 — part 5/10
Now we are already on the 5th part of the 2nd season of this wonderful format.
Today we are again dealing with great packages about UI and Widgets. so… Let’s go and Happy reading!
Flutter supports many platforms, among which is Linux. Now if you build an app that has a nice Ubuntu style, it can get complicated. This is why Yaru exists. This gives you the ability to use a wide variety of components, from buttons and checks to progress bars, without writing elaborate code.
Aesthetic Dialogs
Dialogs are something great and a great invention. They are used in just about every app and can look really great. However, creating such incredibly beautiful dialogs takes time. For this reason there is a package called aesthetic_dialogs. This offers you a lot of customization options, but is still very easy to use.
Swipable Stack
You might want to create a Tinder clone, or a completely different app, but one that also has the familiar swipecards. Well, you could of course add the whole thing to your app yourself, but why make it unnecessarily difficult? You should rather use swipable_stack. With this package you can easily create these cards and get the user input with a few codelines. Your app could look like this:
Animated Toggle Switch
animated_toggle_switch gives you a great selection of different switches with more than just 2 choices. The easiest way to explain the concept is with a gif:
Custom Navigation Bar
custom_navigation_bar gives you the possibility to create simple animated but incredibly beautiful navigation bars. This navigation bar will fit into any modern looking app and will definitely attract users eyes!
Custom Timer
Custom Timer gives you the possibility to create a very simple timer in your app, which is however very customizable. The package is very easy to use and can definitely find use in one or the other Sport and Clock app:
Alert dialogs are something great, but sometimes it can be a bit annoying to write so much code and customize the whole thing. That’s where flash comes into play. This is a very easy to use customizable alert library.
Scribble is a library that gives you basic ways to draw in a Flutter app. You can use an eraser, use different thicknesses of a pen, and even different colors. For apps with small drawing features, this library is definitely recommended.
Water Drop Nav Bar
This navigation bar has many wonderful animations. As the name of the library suggests, it looks like a drop of water is falling on the selected icon. Here is an example of how it might look:
Glass morphism
Glass morphism is a huge UI trend, but is not always easy to implement. That’s why there is this package that allows you to create a Glasmorphic UI with ease.
Now we have come back to the end of another episode of 10 Flutter tips.
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